Reasonable Theology Podcast
Welcome to the Reasonable Theology podcast, where I present sound doctrine in plain language. I'm here to help you better understand, articulate, and live out the fullness of the Christian faith.
170 episodes
Did Jesus Really 'Descend into Hell' like the Apostles' Creed says?
The Apostles' Creed states: "He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to hell."But did Jesus really descend into hell? Does Scripture teach this? If not, how and why is this in t...
Season 7

Ken Ham: Reflecting on 50 Years of Ministry | Ep 94
2025 marks fifty years since Ken Ham gave his first ever creation apologetics talk. Since that time, Answers in Genesis has grown tremendously and has impacted millions with high-quality resources focused on proclaiming the truth of God’s Word....
Season 7
Episode 94

Hark The Herald Angels Sing: A Hymn Story
Hark the Herald Angels Sing is one of the best-known and best-loved Christmas songs and has been for well over 260 years. But you might not recognize the original lyrics. It began with:Hark how all the welkin rings, Glory to the King...
Season 6

What Year Was Jesus Actually Born?
Jesus was likely born between 5 and 6 B.C.That's seems odd, of course. Our calendar is broken up into B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (anno Domini, the year of our Lord) so doesn’t that mean Jesus was born in year one (since we don’t coun...
Season 6

The Nicene Creed: Who Wrote It and Why Was It Written? | Ep 93
The Nicene Creed is one of the most significant statements of faith in Christian history. But have you ever wondered how it came to be? This video reveals the historical events, people, and controversies that led to its formation. We'll...
Season 6
Episode 93

Salvation by Grace Alone — A Sermon on Ephesians 2:1-10
The doctrine of Sola Gratia, or salvation by grace alone, is a central truth of the Gospel. Scripture is clear that we cannot earn forgiveness by our works, but only through the free gift of God's grace made available to use through faith in Ch...
Season 6

6 Apologetics Books For Defending Your Faith
We are called by Scripture to be prepared to give a defense for the hope that is within us. These 6 apologetics books will equip you with not only the information but also the mindset needed to articulate the truth claims of Christianity to oth...
Season 6

Martin Luther: The Man Who Sparked the Reformation
Martin Luther was a man whose heart was held captive to the Word of God. He was used mightily by God to usher in the Protestant Reformation, which would serve to recover the core truths of the Gospel that had been obscured by medieval religion ...
Season 6

Why Elders are Vital for Church Leadership | Examining Titus 1:5-9
What does the Bible say about the role of elders in the church? On this episode, we explore the biblical foundation for church leadership, looking at key passages that outline the responsibilities, qualifications, and importance ...
Season 6

Who Were the 12 Apostles? Facts About Each Disciple
Who were the 12 Apostles? Do you think you could name them all without looking it up?In this video, we'll consider the lives of Jesus' closest disciples, exploring their backgrounds, where they appear in Scripture, their roles in...
Season 6

Maintaining a Healthy Church Body — A Sermon on Romans 12:3-8
The health and effectiveness of a church depends on the health and effectiveness of each individual believer, just as the health and vitality of your physical body is dependent on its individual parts.Romans 12:3-8 says:F...
Season 6

A Dozen Theology Books Every Christian Should Own
As RC Sproul has said, “The issue for Christians is not whether we are going to be theologians, but whether we are going to be good theologians or bad ones.” These books are trustworthy resources to help you become a better theolog...
Season 6

Preview Episode: Spurgeon Legacy Podcast - An Interview with Biographer Alex DiPrima
I’ve been doing some exciting work on a project I told you about earlier in the year. I’ve taken on CHSpurgeon.com and have been building up the content of that site dedicated to edifying resources by and about the Prince of Preachers, Charles ...

9 Bible Study Books You Should Own
All of our theological studies must begin with and be checked against the Word of God. These resources will help you dig deeper into Scripture:📙 A Study BibleThere are lots of good ones out there. Consider:- The ESV Study Bible ...
Season 6

Knowing the Holy Spirit — Costi Hinn Interview (Replay)
The Holy Spirit has been referred to as the “forgotten member of the Trinity.” At one extreme there are those who all but ignore the person and work of the Spirit and at the other extreme there are those who stray from Scripture in seeking to h...
Season 6

A Full View of Our Salvation — A Sermon on Romans 8:28-30
Just as one cannot see the entire Mississippi river when standing in its headwaters, believers initially see only a part of their salvation when they come to Christ. Romans 8:28-30 provides a high enough vantage point to reveal that God...
Season 6

Remember Death: The Surprising Path to Living Hope
Life-expectancy worldwide is twice what it was a hundred years ago. And because of modern medicine, many of us don’t often see death up close. That makes it easy to live as if death is someone else’s problem. It isn’t.On this archive ep...
Season 6

Examining America's Christian Heritage with Mark David Hall
Did the United States truly have a Christian founding, or were the Founders simply Deists who desired to create a secular nation?This question has been hotly debated for generations, and our society increasingly regards the idea of Amer...
Season 6

The Truth in True Crime: Life Lessons from a Homicide Detective | Ep 92
Back when he was an avowed atheist, J Warner Wallace put his skills as a cold-case homicide detective to work investigating the claims of the Gospels and became a follower of Jesus. Now he is a speaker, apologist, and an author as well as a Sen...
Season 6
Episode 92

Our Heavenly Citizenship: A Sermon on Philippians 3:20-4:3
In Pauls' letter to the Philippians, we find a profound analogy for Christians living in this world: just as the citizens of Philippi lived as Romans despite their geographical distance from Rome, believers are called to live as citizens of hea...
Season 6

How to Read a Book — A Conversation with Andy Naselli | Ep 91
What does it mean to be well-read? How can we choose which books are worth our time and which ones aren’t? Is it okay to give up on a book we’re not enjoying? Do audiobooks ‘count’ as reading?On this episode of the podcast we’re tacklin...
Season 6
Episode 91

4 Essential Elements of a Worship Service
Each week, Christians around the world gather to worship with their local congregations. How this looks varies from church to church, but there are some aspects that should always be included. Here are 4 essential elements of a worship service....
Season 6

All Things Together for Good - A Sermon on Romans 8:28
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” - Romans 8:28.This is a well-known and well-loved verse, and yet it is commonly misused, misunderstood, and ...
Season 6

Puritan Wisdom for Today's Church: A Conversation w/ Don Kistler | Ep 90
The Puritans are, at the same time, highly regarded and highly disdained—depending on who you ask. There are many caricatures about who the Puritans were, what they taught, and what they can still teach us today. On top of this, much of their w...
Season 6
Episode 90